Deliverart - Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find an answers to all the most frequently asked questions and doubts that our customers have, with and easy consultation interface. We will explain what Deliverart is for and how to best use its features in detail.

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Yes. You can customize menus, preparation times, delivery details and more. Deliverart will adapt to your business and not vice versa.

Using delivery management software offers many advantages, including the ability to manage all orders from a single platform, monitor deliveries in real-time, streamline workflows, reduce communication errors, and improve the overall operational efficiency of your restaurant.

Using delivery management software offers many advantages, including the ability to manage all orders from a single platform, monitor deliveries in real-time, streamline workflows, reduce communication errors, and improve the overall operational efficiency of your restaurant.

The user of Deliverart is the manager or owner of businesses that deliver food at home. If you have a bar, a pizzeria, or an ice cream parlor that delivers food at home, you are in the right place.

Thanks to the software functionalities, you will be able to manage the orders you receive from your customers more easily and have Deliverart suggest you the perfect time slot, with an instant match between the availability of the kitchen, of your riders, and of the customer, automatically setting the delivery route and arrival time.

The platform is designed to facilitate all order-taking and delivery operations, simplifying the management of third-party orders and also streamlining the taking of telephone orders.

Deliverart is a complete solution, designed to centralize all home deliveries, from order taking (see How to place an order) to delivery (see How a courier makes a delivery).

Deliverart offers various tools and features

      • Customers database: every time an order is taken or received, it will be possible to record the customers’ data, thus reducing the time used on future orders. You will have to enter in the system the minimum data needed for the delivery: address, name, and telephone of the end customer. Optional data are: name, surname and email. Thanks to this digital approach, a part of the customer data will be enough to automatically recall an already registered data sheet and save precious minutes;
      • Tool to create shifts for your riders: a feature that allows you to create and manage your riders’ shifts, even planning them in advance. In the “Calendar” section it will be possible to view all the scheduled shifts, edit them and check the associated riders;
      • First-glance monitoring of shifts progress: in the “Dashboard” section you will find the main metrics and statistics of the current shift, with detailed graphics on turnover, products sold, riders’ performances (see next point);
      • Tracking delle consegne in corso: in abbinamento con la APP “Deliverart Rider, potrai monitorare i tuoi corrieri e tutti gli ordini che sono in consegna conoscendo in tempo reale la posizione, lo stato di avanzamento della consegna, e il tempo stimato per il ritorno;
      • Aggregate orders from different channels: Deliverart will be a single platform to receive all orders. Se utilizzi piattaforme di terze parti per la consegna dei tuoi prodotti, grazie a Deliverart non sarai più obbligato ad avere tanti dispositivi diversi per ricevere gli ordini potendo contare su Deliverart come unico aggregatore. Vedi le nostre integrazioni qui!
      • Accesso a un dettagliato servizio di reportistica: grazie alla sezione “Reportistica” avrai una panoramica dettagliata su tutti gli aspetti che riguardano la tua attività di consegna;
      • Creation and editing of one or more product menus: tramite la sezione “Menu” puoi customizzare i prodotti in vendita, creando uno più menù dai quali selezionare i prodotti in fase di presa dell’ordine. Each menu can be customized by inserting categories (first courses, second courses, pizzas, drinks, etc.) and placing the individual products in one of them. The categories are pre-set system fields that will allow you to find your products way faster when placing the order. Each dish/drink must then have the relative price and, optionally, the ingredients/variants;
      • Riders management: another important feature of the software is the management of riders. From this section, it will be possible to associate single riders with your store in order to invite them to particular work shifts or remove them when they no longer work for you.
      • Delivery Order Display System: to simplify kitchen management and avoid wasting paper, orders entered in the system will be displayed in the kitchen via any device with an internet connection. It will be possible for you to see all the single elements that make up each order. Once ready, the kitchen will take care of marking the order as READY and in this way making delivery available to the first available courier.

If you want to start optimizing and managing your food deliveries in the best possible way, click on the dedicated page to request a demo.

We will contact you back to show you the features of our software and explain how it works in detail.

The software will be granted for use by subscription (for more information see “prices“), according to the methods illustrated and as agreed in the estimate phase.

Failure to renew or cancel will result in the inhibition of the profile to use Deliverart.

The User undertakes to use the software exclusively to manage the deliveries of products from his venue or premises for which the subscription has been activated. The User also undertakes not to allow use by unauthorized personnel and with whom he does not have a qualified legal relationship.

Deliverart è un software in cloud, al quale si può accedere tramite un qualsiasi dispositivo provvisto di una connessione internet a questo link

To use Deliverart is necessary to create a personal account (see How to register on Deliverart) and associate your company with it by entering information such as VAT number, Tax code, Billing address, and Operational headquarters of the point of sale.

After these preliminary steps, you will be ready to start using the software.

Before taking orders, make sure you have a valid shift for the desired day and time.

A telephone or take-away order can be managed like a normal telephone call, using the Deliverart tools to speed up the acquisition process.

Product adding

You can create a new order by adding the products requested by the customer (possibly also filling in the “comments” field). By entering the delivery address, the system will suggest, through auto-completion, the entries in the customer database with similar data.

Address entry

If the customer is already registered in the database, just click on the according item and the system will recall the customer card with all the data previously recorded. In the event that there are no previous records, you can create a new customer card which, once the order acquisition process is complete, will be automatically added to the customer database for future orders.

By default, each customer has as their primary address the one they communicate on their first order. If, on the other hand, you specify a new address on the phone, you can add it to the system without overwriting the original data.

At this point you can proceed to define a timetable.

Time entry

The platform will calculate the route, delivery and return times, necessary for the optimal management of the store and the kitchen to optimize subsequent deliveries, thus avoiding overlapping of schedules that generally lead to disservices or delays.

Deliverart will show you the available time slots and, depending on the customer’s needs, you can select the most suitable one.

If the conditions are met, at the suggestion of the software you can opt for a multiple delivery, merging two deliveries geographically close and thus choosing independently whether to optimize the movements of your rider.

Upon confirmation of the time, the order is registered in the system and displayed in the kitchen (see How it helps me optimize home delivery processes) from where the preparation status can be managed.

The rider who has previously downloaded the “Deliverart Rider” app on his smartphone and created a personal profile can, in this way, be associated with the store and the shifts created by the restaurateur.

When a shift is in progress, the rider, who is working at that moment, can pick up the first order marked as “ready” from the kitchen (see “Kitchen dashboard” in How it helps me to optimize home delivery processes) from list of deliveries to be made.

Thanks to Deliverart Rider, it is no longer necessary to carry a paper summary of the order but consult the order’s data to be delivered to have everything under control.

The rider can in fact check:

      • the list of products to be delivered;
      • the times suggested by the software for delivery;
      • and what is the best route to take by activating the navigator.

At that point the rider can start his delivery and mark through the app all the various steps carried out: delivery started, delivery made, return.

If necessary, the rider can at any time contact the end customer using the number in the delivery summary.

If necessary, you can decide to manually associate a delivery with one or more couriers, monitoring and managing the delivery status even remotely.


Deliverart is not the riders client: they work directly for restaurants / clubs / bars, without any form of intermediation.

We are integrated with the main online payment services, such as PayPal or Nexi. This way, your customers can make payments securely and conveniently directly through the Deliverart web app.

When you log in, click “Recover Password,” and the system will send you an email to recover your credentials. Just follow the steps and you will have a brand new password.

Do you need explanations?
👉🏻 Click here and book an appointment

☑️ Do you want to speak with the technical department? write to

☎️ Do you have an urgency? Contact us on WhatsApp!

If you want to work as a rider, register your account on Deliverart and make yourself known by affiliated restaurants, pizzerias, bars, and pubs!

Just download our APP Deliverart Rider

In a few seconds, you can sign up on our platform and start working as a rider.

Thanks to our app, you can:

      • update, edit your profile;
      • save shifts on your smartphone calendar;
      • take over the orders and finish them, always having the summary of the goods to be delivered available;
      • open the navigator of your smartphone to consult the best suggested delivery route;
      • contact the end customer by phone in case of problems;
      • consult your reports;
      • contact Deliverart support in case of app malfunctions;
      • contact the Deliverart administrators to delete your profile.

Deliverart is not the riders client: they work directly for restaurants / clubs / bars, without any form of intermediation.

You can delete your account in the “Your Profile” section and by sending an email to Our support team will take care of deleting your profile.